For this weeks, Pin of the week. I did some crafts with my daughters that ultimately lead to Elena knitting ALL day. I highly recommend this one. The pin itself is on my pinterest sight but here is a pic of it.
Elena, my 6 year old, is always bugging me about knitting but she is not my most coordinated child. I worry that trying to do actual knitting with backfire on me. Elena does not do well with failure. So I have been looking for alternative ways to teach her. This is brilliant. Its from
Flax and Twine.
I sat down with Elena and within minutes she was hand knitting like there was no tomorrow.
Elena picked it up like it was nothing.
Even started teaching her little sister.
So here is how you do it.
To start with all you need is:
1. yarn
picked pink with silver accent. My girl does loves pink and glitter.
Kiera pick a similar glittery one, but my girl puts a spin on it and
picks teal with Silver.
2. Your Hand
Start by going under the pinkie, over ring finger, under middle and over pointer. It looks like this...
Then turn it around and go under pointer, over middle, under ring and over pinkie. It should look like this.
Do it again... and again, until you have two loops on each finger
Then grab the bottom loop and pull it over the top loop and off your finger.
Do this again
And Again
This is what it will look like after the first pass. Not pretty, but wait, it gets better as you do more
There is what it will start to look like. Pretty cool.
Here is Elena's final scarf. She is soooo proud and has been knitting like crazy. I have created a monster. She got excited at walmart yesterday when she found the bargain bin of yarn.
Here are my crazy girls, messy hair and all, with their scarves.
Needless to say, everyone will be getting scarves as a gift from Elena this year. I think I will teach her how to crochet next.