
Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Sunshine Award!

Isn't it nice when someone gives you a pat on the back and says "Good job!"?  Well that's what happened to me recently when Tamara from Etcetorize let me know that she was sending me the Sunshine Award.  This award is for “Bloggers who positively and creatively inspire others in the blogosphere”!  What a great thing to pass along~

Here is how this award works:
  • Thank the person who gave you the award and link back to them
  • Answer the following 10 questions about yourself
  • Select 10 more bloggers, link their blogs to your post and let them know they’ve been awarded the Sunshine Award!
  • Don’t forget to copy and paste the award on your blog!
So here goes!  I'll try not to blow your mind with my oh so fascinating life~
1) Fav colour?  This is actually hard to answer. I have been pretty partial to black for a long time but lately, I am in great need of color. I like turquoise, purple, orange, scarlet.

2) Fav animal? Is it strange I don't have a favorite animal. I mean, I love dogs and guinea pigs, but don't have anything in the animal kingdom that springs to mind.

3) Fav number? yeah, I got nothing!

4) Fav drink? I love tea. Any kind of tea. Especially, the green teas with the tapioca balls.

5) Facebook or Twitter?  I do both, but its hard enough just keeping my blog up and networked. I usually use twitter just to inform people of the link parties I participate in.

6) Good book or Good movie? That's a toss up. I am so crunched for time most days that I don't have time to sit down and commit an hour to reading, but a good movie while in bed about to go to sleep, bring it on.  But on the other hand, if I find a good book, you can't get me to put it down, I am cooking while reading, Using the restroom while reading, in the car (not driving obviously) while reading.

7) My passion?At the moment, I am interested in creating home decor that doesn't cost much. I am a big fan of's free section, and freecycle in my community. If I can get it for free and with a little paint, gel medium and glitter make something beautiful for my home, I am on it like white on rice!

8) Giving or getting presents? Well, to be honest, I love getting gifts. I have four kids and a limited budget, so any extra money we have is spent on the kids. Which I guess means I like giving them too!

9)  Fav day? Sunday's, My husband works alot of hours, but the one day we have off together is sunday. That is our day to have fun with the kids. We go to church,  the park, have picnic's, play in the water. I do crafts with my older girls. Its always a good day.

10) Fav flower? Wow, I have never really been asked that before. I like orchids, or rather admire people that can grow orchids. My grandmother used to take so much time and care of them and she was so proud of them, it's a good memory I have of her.

That's it!  That's me. Now you know everything about me.

And now I get to tell you about 10 wonderful bloggers, I follow regularly, out there who I think you need to go check out:

Maria Isabel - Agape Love Designs
Katy - Sweet Verbena
Melissa - I still love you!
All the girls - the letter 4
Morgan - Mrs. Priss

Kristen- Kristen Duke Photography
Steph - Crafting in the Rain
Katie - Little Becky Homecky
Kerri - Momma to 4 cutiez
Caitlin - Cait + Create

Thank you so much Tamara for including me and for liking Leslie Marquez Designs enough to tell others about it.  I'd like to say I'd do this even if my mom were the only person following my blog, but really, it's all of you who keep me inspired and creative.

Thank you!  Have a sun shiny day!


  1. This was soo very sweet of you!! It does feel good to get a shot out for all the hard work you put into your blog, and I thank you so much for that! PS. I LOVE to read too. It's dangerous for me to start a book because I have a hard time putting it down like you. =) And I love Sundays too for the same reason! Hubby is home!!

    1. Your very welcome. I love reading about your kids. I think I have told you before, but it helps to know I am not alone when it comes to children with special needs.

  2. thanks so much! i'm honored to be in your top ten!

    1. Your very welcome! Your posts about photography are a big help! Keep inspiring!

  3. Thank you soooooooo much for your sweet comment and for this!!!!! Made my night to see that and we are in such great company!! Thank you!!!

    1. Good, I am glad! I love all your diy projects and the posts on hair!!!

  4. You are so sweet! Thank you for this award!!! I really want to post about it, but sometimes life gets hectic and I forget. Can you do me a favor and send me an email tomorrow reminding me?? :) Also, just approved your ad for my blog Mommy Made!! You rock!


    1. Your very welcome!!! And your preaching to the choir about life getting hectic. Yes, I will send you an email tomorrow to remind you! And thanks for the free ad!!!
