
Thursday, September 20, 2012

Weight loss update: down 40 pounds peeps!!!

So, if you follow my blog, you will notice the lack of posts. Sorry about that, with school starting, it has taken us a while to get into the swing of things. My life is nothing but logistics, which I hate. My mornings consist of getting up at 5 to go for a walk/jog, get dressed, get kids up and dressed by 7, in the car by 7:15ish, get the two oldest to school, the two youngest to the babysitters, the hubby to work, then I get to work at 8. I barely have time to do anything lately, especially crafts or blogging. Which I hate. I hate logistics. I feel like a chauffeur or a maid, half the time, not a wife or a mother, or me for that matter. Thats what started my weight loss journey to begin with. I felt like I had lost "me." So I started exercising, which is definetly paying off. I have now lost 40 pounds. I will now say my actual weight. 245. Its hurts to write it but if I think that 40 pounds ago, I was 285. I can proudly say the other number. GO ME!!

Love this. Think this will become my new background on my android!

Another thing I am doing to reconnect me to myself is I am going to get a tattoo at the end of the month. I am so excited. I have been wanting to do this for years, but there was never time, money or I was pregnant (I think I was pregnant for like 5 years straight, so that kind of dampens any chance getting a tattoo!) So, I am getting it on my wrist and this is what I want...

I am going to get it put on my wrist. Not big, but big enough to read it. Whatcha think! 

Anyway, I have never been able to say this before (which is sad since I am 33!) but I am really proud of myself. I have been in a bad place in my head for too long and I realized I was tired of being miserable. Tired of being fat. Tired of disappearing into the crowd. I used to pride myself on standing out, being a bit of an odd ball, being different. I try to instill that sense of originality in my kids. I don't want them to be one of the masses. I want them to stand out because they are smart, beautiful, and one of a kind. But I have to start with myself before I can convince them of this. Luckily, they are starting to see the changes. Kiera, minion #2, tells me I am beautiful everyday, and she hasn't said that to me until the last couple of months. It makes me melt and then I tell her she is also beautiful, and smart and funny and .....the list goes on. So, I guess I am doing something right...


  1. Leslie, WOW i am so proud of you! 40 lbs is a lot of weight girl. That's fantastic. I am also planning my next 2 tattoos.I have 3 already and i need more. My boyfriend this Friday to get his sleeve on arm started. Its his first and he's nervous but i'm so excited. You are smart and beautiful!

    1. Thanks so much. I never get tired of hearing that! Wow, a sleeve, that's awesome! Tell him good luck. I want to see it when its done!!!

  2. Les, I am really proud of you. Less for the 40 pounds, which is fantastic in-and-of-itself, but more for the "outlook"... the epiphany. Convincing YOURSELF that you are "worth" the effort, and that you have goals to attain, is half the battle. I love that you want to stand out. That's one of your best qualities, and I hate that you feel like you've lost that. I will be rooting you on, all the way, in your quest to get it back. You are beautiful, smart, and ridiculously creative, and I am glad that you are focusing on making yourself a good example for your kids. Way to go, girl! Proud of you. =)

    1. You made me cry, thanks for that. I can't begin to tell you how much I need to hear stuff like that.

    2. Well, honestly, like Kiera (and you), I'm not sure I've ever said "I'm proud of you" before. =) Good job, sis.
