
Tuesday, July 17, 2012

The Versatile blogger

I'm very happy to announce that I was nominated for the Versatile Blogger Award by Sara at City Girl gone County! Since I'm a small-and-growing blogger, I appreciate the recognition by other bloggers for the work I am doing. Thank you Sara! So very sweet!

In receiving this I am required to:

*Thank the blogger who nominated you for the award
*Include a link to their blog in you post, as well as the award  image
*Give 7 random facts about yourself
*Nominate 15 other deserving bloggers for the award
*Include links to the nominated bloggers' sites
*Let the other bloggers know that they have been nominated for the award.


Here's seven random facts about me:

- I went to college and studied Music Education for the first two years before I decided I did not want to be a high school choir director!
- I am scared of spiders
- I don't like to drive at night
- I have a tattoo of the Leo symbol on the small of my back, I want more!
- I hate cleaning the kitchen, luckily the hubby does most of it lucky me!
- I had three wrecks in my first year of driving (it said random!)
- I have 11 piercings in my ear and one in my nose.

The 15 bloggers I chose to nominate, in random order, are:
1. - Jenni
2. - Maria
3. - Adrianne
4. - Kimberly
5. - Laura
6. Covered in Grace - brooke
7. Musings from a SAHM - Erika
8. Cheap Crafty Mama - Kate
9. - Melissa
10. The Grant Life - Kelly 
11. Finding my way in Texas - Jennifer
12. My Beautiful crazy life - Breanna
13. Paisley Boulevard - Colleen
14. Through the eyes of the Mrs. - Beth
15. Mom 2 Memphis and Ruby - Lena

The above bloggers not only create intriguing, helpful posts, but also contribute to helping other bloggers out. They are enthusiastic in the blogging world, and make the Texas blogging community exactly what it's supposed to be: a community

Congrats to those I nominated; I can't wait to hear your seven random facts!


  1. Hello Leslie-

    Thank you so much! well I don't accept bloggy awards or participate in them anymore on my blog. I still am always thrilled and flattered when someone thinks highly of me, that I am worthy of a versatile award. Thank you so much. Best of luck to you too, on your weight loss journey. You can do it girl. hugs, jen

    1. Thanks for the encouragement! and your welcome!

  2. Awwww... thanks so much! You're such a sweet heart.

    1. Your very welcome! I really do enjoy your blog!

  3. Thank you so much Leslie!! I am flattered!! =D
