
Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Party Planning

Kiera's 5th birthday is at the end of the month. May 29th. So, planning has been well underway despite her choice of them. She chose the movie "Puss in Boots." It seemed like an odd request but when she kept saying it over and over again, I decided she was serious and to go with it. Until, I realized after looking at party supply stores, there is no pre-made decorations of any kind in the stores. So, I start scouring the internet. Now, if you have seen the movie, you know that Jack in the Beanstalk is a reoccurring theme in the movie. So I started searching and found these websites:

1. Piggy Bank Parties

 2. A pinterest board on Jack and The beanstalk

3. HP has a hole section on Printable Puss and Boots Material

I think from these I can come up with some great stuff for the party. Wish me luck. How-to's to come later on what I come up with. 
If you have any ideas you would like to contribute, I would love to hear them!!!

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