
Saturday, March 12, 2011

Started going through this book last night and created a set of earrings using one of the projects. It came out pretty good. I will post pictures and how I did it, because, as usual, I tweaked it to my style, color and supplies I had on hand! Great book though. It showed lots of different projects that were different but easy to manipulate and do myself. I don't and never have learned how to do anything  by reading about it. I am more of a hands on kind of girl and I am impatient and I tend to not actually read the instruction but go by the pictures, bad, I know, but this book had really good pictures that alone show you step by step how to do these projects!

Friday, March 11, 2011

Welcome to Leslie Marquez Designs Blog.

Welcome to my new blog. I will be posting tutorials, how to's, pictures of my latest challenges, contests and more. I can't say how often I will post how to's as I have four children under the age of 6. I might have one once a week, I might do a weeks worth of a certain type of jewelry making or accessories, you never know. So, Check back often. I will also post other tutorials I find that I think are neat or helpful. I love the internet, so much inspiration at your fingertips!!

I have been crafting since I can remember. I can remember helping my mom make those wonderful glittered, painted, flowery, shoulder padded t-shirts (tied at the bottom corner) back in the 80's(I will find a picture).  I have made everything from candles to purses to record bowls to jewelry. You name it, I have probably made it. I am the woman walking around the mall saying "I can make that" and I probably went home and figured out how to make it. Recently, I have discovered I have a real talent for jewelry making, I love it, it keeps me sane (I did say I have four kids), and there are so many aspects to it, I never get bored. I get to do what I love and make a decent living at it! I want to show everyone how easy it is to make jewelry.  I sell a lot of my jewelry and accessories at arts and craft fairs, but I want to expand that to the internet. Having said that, I will say that seeing people walk up, talk to me, tell me what they think, and walk away with a smile after purchasing something is the greatest thing imaginable. I have done sales in past and I used to think the rush from making a sale could not be beat, but I was wrong, when it is something you put your heart into and it makes someone else happy, that is even better!!!

Currently, I have been working with polymer clay. It is a very under rated medium for jewelry or any craft project. I love it, it is so versatile and inexpensive. My goal is to work so much with the clay that when I get to Silver Art Clay (to be explained later) I will be such a whiz that it won't spook me. OK, Silver art clay is a soft clay that can be molded like any other clay, but when fired with a torch, reveals a 99.9 % silver piece. I have some and am so excited but polymer clay first, mainly due to the cost of silver clay vs. polymer. Can't wait to show you whats coming!

I do a lot of work with a lot of gemstones. They come in delicious colors and come in such a variety of different shapes and sizes that I couldn't work with cheap beads anymore! I have sooooo many beads I have run out of places to put them.  I recently moved to Bryan/College Station, so my studio is not together yet. I will post pictures! I also do custom work so if you need jewelry for a wedding or even your favorite outfit, lets talk and design something special and unique for you! 

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